Mastering Self-Discipline: How to Make Every Day Count

Sharpen your sword. And by that, I mean your body, your mind, and your spirit.

Then go up into the world and slay those dragons.

Mastering Self-Discipline: How to Make Every Day Count

We must be willing to let go of the distress we carry about things that happen to us externally during our development, during our youth door, and during our vulnerable moments in order to grow through them.

We have to be willing to let go so that we can become, but for a lot of us, what we do is live our lives on repeat. We spend time living our lives on repeat. We spend time in the same mess, we spend time in the same situation, we spend time in the same stress, and we spend our lives like that, right?

We want change. We want to do better. We want all these things. But we're continuing to spend time on things that move us further away from it. Evil does exist, and it's out there. It's a mob. It is a frenzy. It is pent-up frustration and anger. It is jealousy, envy, and resentment, and it is out there, and it is also in all of us. And it is up to all of us to fight it.

You can only have two things in life: reasons or results. Notice that reasons don't count.

Folks will always point out reasons why they are not living their dream or why they're not manifesting their greatness. But none of those things count. The only thing that counts are the results. And results don't lie.

Because the truth is, and most people do not want to hear it, the truth will not change until you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Nothing will change until you say, "You know what?" I might repeat this another day in my life.

I'm not going to be the same person I was yesterday. Life is not perfect, and it isn't going to be easy, but it is all you've got.

So make it a good run, and make sure you enjoy the jam. And you do that by getting out there every day and getting after it. I don't think that as a participant in life, you cannot be committed.

You're either committed to mediocrity or you're committed to greatness. You're either committed to being productive or you're either committed to being happy or you're committed to being unhappy.

See, whatever you're doing, however you spend your time, that tells you who you are. You have to be willing to let go of the thing that wants to hold you prisoner.

Most of us have stayed in a mental prison jail cell far beyond the years of our sentence because we are famous, we have no pain, and we are afraid.

You will never be able to possess pleasure, but your fear must conflict with your faith. Your faith is that you can become more because you have deserved better and that the thing that came against you is not greater than the thing that is inside.

Don't let the world get you down. When it does get you down, get up and write what you want out of your life; don't get stopped. You know what I'm saying? You get up every day, you look in the mirror, and you tell that mirror, "I'm a bad mother." How to turn nothing into something First, to turn nothing into something, you start with ideas and imagination.

Things change; things happen. People get sick; people get hurt. We lose our jobs; we lose our loved ones. Anything and everything can change in one day. And when it does, don't get caught up on your heels. Instead, go forward. Go on with the attack and continue to fight.

I'm going to take ownership over my freaking life, and I'm going to stop living like that. Because the truth is, many of us live in a world where we have time, man. You don't have time. Stop living like that. You can't stop time.

The sun is going to keep rising. It's going to keep rising. The moon's going to keep coming up. It will continue to rise indefinitely. I realise that the things that you experience in life are making you bigger, better, stronger, faster, and wiser.

So you become something by dealing with the thing that tried to destroy you. It is not about holding on. It's about letting go so that you can grow. It's an interesting thing, that when we put ourselves in a situation where we say we're going to do it, it puts you in another zone where the universe responds to you.

When you have that kind of consciousness. See, the universe responds to the man or woman who refuses to be denied because that is their commitment. It isn't going to knock on your door. You have to kick that door in.

You have to make things happen. You have to initiate action.

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