The Secret to Success: Why It's Time to Embrace the Grind

I need you to do me a huge favor. Rich people don't waste time. They realize time is their most important commodity. They don't watch a lot of TV. They don't do much entertainment. If they're not working, they're studying their crap and getting better at it.

The Secret to Success: Why It's Time to Embrace the Grind

So I need you to stop having a poverty mindset. So when I quit my job to be an entrepreneur, my mom was like, "Whoa, what are you doing?" I was like, "I'm quitting." My mom was like, "Don't you dare quit." You're going to embarrass me. You have a wife and children.

Does YouTube have insurance? Does YouTube have 401k? And I was like, "Mom, I ain't trying to be funny, and I ain't trying to be disrespectful" I love you, but you can't teach me how to be a millionaire because you're not one. You come from the working class, and I'm not mad at you, mom.

We wouldn't be where we are without you. But you told me that every generation is supposed to get better. So I'll take your values, but I won't take your work ethic.

Because they believe that wealthy people don't work, they think whereas poor people clock in. I make this much in an hour. Rich people go; I put them to work, and I make this much an hour.

See, what happens is that you're working for you and your family one. They have 40 of you working at the same time, so they are giving you 20% off. The remaining 80% of the 15,000 people are then retained.

So what you have to decide is: are you going to keep being the 99%, or are you ready to be a part of the 1%? When you want this thing as badly as you want to breathe, that's when you find a way. You have an opportunity.

Right now, a real man is working in the dark when nobody's watching. When the coach isn't even looking, he's a real man. He's studying film on his own because he loves the process. Because real lions like to hunt. They love the process just as much as they love the pride.

You will have to go through something if you want to be a champion or a beast. Crisis is a term used to describe people and is not a permanent state. It's just a season. This is important, and the key to life is outlasting the season.

If you can stay warm long enough, some of it will come. In other words, the time has come for you to leave your current position. Why? There's a better one up ahead. He's got to prepare you for that. So you've got to close out one chapter to open a bigger chapter. Get ready for something big—bigger than what you had.

What will you do with your pain? Will you let it break you? Or will you let it redefine you? seasons of crisis. Everybody say it with me. Overcoming seasons of crisis that no one else can do for you. And even though you face disappointments and will experience some setbacks, it goes with the territory.

You must understand that life has taught me that you will grow through what you go through. Life has taught me that there is an additional devil. Life has taught me that the depth of your struggle will determine the height of your success.

Everybody's got a dream. Everybody's got to go. Everybody wants something in life. But for many of you in this room right now, your beast mode is idle. Your beast mode is not turned on. And when you leave this place, I'm telling you, your life is going to go to a whole other level. If you can learn to turn that switch on and keep it on.

I need you to recycle your pain. I want you to recycle your pain. Many of you may be thinking when you get this water bottle, "This is the first time that this particular plastic was formed." and we don't know. This could have come from anywhere, right? So you've got to do me a huge favor, because what you're going to discover as you pursue your dreams, as you pursue your goals, will change.

So many distractions. There will be so many people who despise you, so many people who will oppose you. So many difficulties, trials, and tribulations When people ask you, "For real, for real," I know you can give me 20 things that you've done to help yourself become successful, but, "For real, I just need, like, one or two.”

Can you give me one or two? And one of the things I tell people is that I outlived my financial ability. I outlasted to pay. When I was sleeping in those abandoned buildings, I kept telling myself, "One day you'll be a homeowner." Every time I walked into that abandoned building, I told myself that this might be your current circumstances, but this will not be how the story ends.

All you have to do today is survive. to survive today. I knew I had to get you this one day, every single day. It was going to be day when I woke up in that abandoned building.

But that day can't come. If I give up today, soon it will be my day, and I will recycle my pain. Well, I didn't grow up with my biological father. He wasn't in my life until I was 30 years old. But I told myself that today, your father is not in your life. However, one day. My mom and I have gone months, almost years without talking to each other. But every single day, I kept telling myself, "One day." I have a great relationship with my mom. One day.

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