Stay Focused and Achieve Your Goals: Master the Art of Concentration!

You paid attention to every freaking detail. When people say, "Don't sweat the small stuff, sweat everything.

Every little detail matters. Everything you ever thought you would not make it through, you got past it.

Now, if you're currently going through something right now, guess what? You'll get through it as well. It always works that way. You always do. Don't manage time. Manage focus.

So what happens is that when you try to manage time, the clock is always against you. You're trying to finish something off, and time goes by so quickly. You don't know if you've been added for 30 minutes or an hour when you're in that moment, when you're so focused.

Wherever you go, time creates distractions. Really time. If you're like me and manage your time, you're bombarded with distractions. What does focusing do? It locks them out. So don't worry about managing time. Manage your focus. Be in that moment.

When you're in that state, you'll get so much more done that your body will tell you to stop. Focus tells you to keep going.

When you focus, what do you do? You just keep going and going. You have to make sure that your dreams, aspirations, and goals are so big that not accomplishing them is not an option. It's just not an option.

Through all the things I've gone through in my life, I've had a lot of ups and downs.

How did I keep the faith? There are a couple of reasons I know from living that if you quit, whatever you're trying to accomplish can never happen. There's not even a remote possibility. If you quit, there is no chance of it popping back up again or coming back later. Quitting is guaranteed failure.

Now, when you're trying, you're going to fail. That was the number one thing to understand. And then, number two, you have to want something so much that it wakes you up in the middle of the night. You have to want something so badly that you think about it all the time. You have to want something so badly that it drives you to wake up when you don't want to. It keeps you awake at night when you've been tired for a long time. It makes you show up and do things you wouldn't normally do.

It requires extra if you want to be extraordinary and not ordinary. If you want to be ordinary, live your life. But if you want to be extraordinary, you have to be extra. If you put extra on top of ordinary, that word is extraordinary. It requires extra effort.

I believe it is wise to concentrate on one thing. Focusing on too many things can be overwhelming to others. It's good to focus on multiple things. It depends on your personality. So I wouldn't presume, but then the answer would be whichever thing you're most desirous of changing, whatever thing is giving you the most pain. If you change the body, you'll change the emotions. If you change your emotions, you'll change your decisions. You'll change the quality of your life. But the quality of life is determined by your emotions. It's not what you get.

You have a billion dollars and commit suicide. People have done it right. You can have beautiful relationships and commit suicide. People can love you and be sad all the time. Our pattern of emotion is our home, and you have to upgrade yours. You have to train it. And one way to train it is to recognise that emotion comes from the way you move, breathe, and speak. You have to understand why you're going through the period that's making you want to give up.

See, the Devil has one mission. One mission is to rob you of your destiny. That's the devil's only job. If he can get you to give up, you have been robbed of your destiny. If he can get you to become a criminal, he has robbed you of your destiny. If he gets you to never follow your dream or chase your dream, he robs you of your destiny. If he makes you believe that this is all I have, he has taken away your destiny. When you have negative thoughts, that's not from God; that's from yourself.

He's doing everything he can to keep you from being who God made you to be. You've got to get focused, man. You've got to understand that this hard time that you're going through, everything you're going through, is preparing you for what you ask God for.

You cannot name one single thing that God has not brought you through. If he hasn't already bought you through it, he's currently pulling you through it. Imagination is everything. It's a preview of life's coming attractions. Everything you've ever imagined is real.

See, I tell young people like this, first of all, that this is how your imagination works. You've got to grab this concept. It is impossible for you to think an impossible thought that is impossible. You can't think of something that isn't possible. You ain't that smart. So if it's in your head, you've got to ask yourself, "How did it get there?"

That's God showing you a preview of the coming attraction he has for you. What happens is, through your childhood and perhaps even later in life, you develop certain traits. When something happens to you, there's some kind of decision you have to make. There's some kind of obstacle that came your way, something that you have to deal with. And how you deal with that situation pretty much determines how everything else is going to go.

Did somebody handle that for you? Or did you own up to it and say, "I'm going to take care of this" I know those individuals.

If you look at all their stories, every individual that's been successful Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos has a different story. If you look at everything that they've done. Something happened in their lives at an early age. They instilled in themselves the desire to be an overachiever and to set unrealistic goals because they saw something and did not want to go back in that direction.

So when something happens, you have two options. You can either curl up and just make excuses after excuses or you can own up to it and turn around and figure out how to do it.

The biggest problem people have is that they think they're not supposed to have any. And problems are the fuel for growth, right? So you won't have any issues. You're either a liar or you might call them challenges. It feels better. I understand that. But anybody who has problems is either totally asleep at the wheel or doesn't have much of any kind of life.

There is no accountability, nothing. They're building. So I think the first thing is this misconception that if I have a problem, there's something wrong with me or my life. I think the second one is this delusion we've sold people on that getting what you want is going to make you happy. You could call it success if you get what you want.

I don't define it that way, but that's how most people do. But then there's fulfillment. And fulfilment comes from doing what you were born to do. It's as if the biggest challenge people face is not being able to respond to challenges because they're only thinking about themselves. And it's not that hard to meet your own needs. And it's nobody's fault.

I mean, these little things in our pocket, these little mini computers we used to call phones, I mean, they're constantly conditioning you to instantly get what you want.

That is not how human relationships work, and it is not how you build a business, I assure you. Right? It's not a straight line. And so I think the problem is that people don't have something they want to serve more than themselves.

That's where my energy comes from. I don't have to work a day in my life. And then I think the next problem is that people think they have to know how. I call it the tyranny of how you get all excited, "I'm going to do this," and then your brain goes, "I've never done it before." Oh, my God.

What do they say? I don't know how to do this. Martin Luther King had no idea how he did his "I Have a Dream" speech. His wife was the one who pushed him because he was uncertain. Right. You know, the real history is pretty interesting, but the bottom line is that he gets up there and gives his vision of how it can be done. He talked about what needs to happen and why.

If you can figure out what you want and why you want it, and you come up with compelling reasons, those reasons will keep you awake late at night. It'll get you up early in the morning. And the reasons are different, so you've got to find your reasons. But if you know what you want and you get a big enough bottle of wine now, you'll figure out how to do it. But if you start with the small brain, the fear brain, because I'm not sure what else to call it, They don't know where to go. I don't know what to do 90% of the time, I know what I'm doing and why. It doesn't work. I try something new, or simply something new.

Now I've sped it up by learning from the best. So my life is really about learning from the best. But don't start with the how. I start with the what and the why. And I think that's the mistake most people make.

Good times create weak people. Weak people create bad times. Bad times create strong people. Strong people create good times. I like winning. I like being the best at what I do. So I'm not going to settle for less than that. Why would.

Good times create weak people. Weak people create bad times. Bad times create strong people. Strong people create good times.

I like winning. I like being the best at what I do. So I'm not going to settle for less than that.

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