Path to Success By Conquering Fear and Doubt

It's only going to get tougher from here.

But you already know that you are stronger than any obstacle that comes your way. The only thing you need to do is pick up your feet with every step.

You need to decide to take another walk through anything that comes your way.

Path to Success By Conquering Fear and Doubt

You see, there are so many people in this world right now that just sitting around and waiting—oh, I could do it tomorrow. Waiting. Oh, don't worry about it. It's not that important. Waiting—that's the mentality that many people have.

They prefer to wait rather than act. They like to talk about it, but they're never going to do it. You must stop waiting for something to happen and begin creating it. Get it done right now.

Now, if you truly want to be better, if you truly want to grow, then you've got to get your mind in the right place. But you've got to get to a point where you tell your body to shut up and your mind to take over.

Because your body ain't got no business telling you what to do. You tell your body what to do. It's time to get to work.

You must rule; you are well on your way. You're on your way to carving out your new life, taking what you deserve, and never backing down without a fight. But don't look back now.

You are on the cusp of greatness. You need to keep going. Don't stop now. Instead, you take control of your life. Take control of it. Do something with it. Stop making excuses.

This is what we're talking about—getting it done and getting it done now. It's 4:00 a.m. And your alarm clock goes off. You're thinking, "Do I really need to get up?" Maybe five more minutes.

Let me just rest my eyes for five more minutes. But then you kick a leg out from under your blanket, and the other leg founts, and you feel that cold hit you like a shot of ice to your brain. A silent whisper crosses your mind. Why am I getting up? Should I go back to bed? I'm so tired from the day before.

Why am I doing this to myself? Wake up, sleepy head. It's time to get to work. It ain't going to happen by itself. It's not going to change by itself. You've got to be prepared to put in the work to get to that next level and go beyond.

It started as a whisper, then turned into the loudest scream you'd ever heard, yelling at you to get up, put your feet on the ground, and rise. It is time to seize this glory; it is time to complete the task. It's time for you to focus on the now.

You've got to get your priorities straight right now, because those who are dedicated to success speak a language that excuses will never understand. Trying is not good enough. Trying is not going to knock you down.

We need applications, we need dedication, we need motivation, and we need discipline because that other person is still lying in bed right now saying, "I'll do it tomorrow." I don't feel like it today. Better make sure that's not you.

Welcome to your new life. A life where you decide every moment of every day to better yourself, to make those uncomfortable choices, to get you where you want to be.

But you know that this is your new life, and it's going to cost you your old one. It's going to cost you your old self. But you're ready. You're ready to take charge of your new life and make it everything you've imagined it to be.

This is day one. So you've got to stay dedicated. You've got to keep pushing forward. You've got to keep fighting for the good. You've got to put aside the excuses because excuses won't lift you up. Excuses won't give you the power that you truly need. Excuses will continue to be just that—excuses that will limit you. And the last time that I checked within myself, I didn't have a limitation, and you shouldn't have a limitation either. It doesn't matter what you are doing.

It always comes back to the mindset of the individual. You've got to designate the right things in your life. Like I said, Sacrifice. Sometimes you have to sacrifice people. Sometimes you've got to say, "Hey, you're not going to get me in the position that I need to be, and I need to be in a better position." So I may have to sacrifice the time that I've been spending with you and give myself a little bit more time so I can better myself.

It's about you, the individual. Sometimes you've got to say, "Hey, it's about me today." It's about me getting things done.

Right now, your best ain't good enough. Your best efforts don't work. You need to go beyond your best. You need to go beyond the level. You need to let the world know that you exist. You need to let the world know that you are different. You built something different. You're stronger, and you're more passionate. You believe in yourself.

When the rest of the world shuts you down, you woke up and that scare, you said, I shot this, I do this, I freezed it, I elk it, you can't stop me. That man is the weapon.

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