The Success Mindset: How the Top 2% Think and Achieve Their Goals

As human beings, we have a success instinct. But most people don't realize that they can actually predict their own level of success.

So why are some people more successful than others?

You're tired of looking at your friends, acquaintances, and even strangers and wondering what they've done differently or better than you to experience a better quality of life.

Nothing makes you feel more important than meeting someone who is smarter than you and makes more money than you.

They have more money, nicer lives, better health, better jobs, better businesses, better homes, and better families. And you know that they're no better, smarter, or more talented than you are.

The Success Mindset: How the Top 2% Think and Achieve Their Goals

Why is this so? What distinguishes the ultra-achievers from the mediocre?

Well, it may have seemed like mystery and chance. In the past, there was actually a science to success. And when you apply the scientific principles to your own life, you can learn to operate at peak performance and set yourself up for predictable, automatic success in every area of your life. Your personal life, your family, your income, your business.

Here's the best way to define success: The most important thing you can do is to decide exactly what success means to you.

What would your life look like if you made it into a masterpiece?

All great achievement begins with your deciding what it is you really want and then dedicating yourself wholeheartedly to attaining it. There are seven desires or goals that we all have in common.

The first, and easily the most important, is peace of mind. You'll find that you can evaluate how well you're doing at any given time in your life and how much inner peace you enjoy. If, for any reason, you compromise your values or go against that little voice inside, your peace of mind is the first thing to suffer.

The second common desire we all have is that we all want to be healthy and have high levels of energy. Just as peace of mind is your natural mental state, your health and energy are your natural and normal physical states. In health, you find your true energy and radiance. If you achieve all kinds of things in the material world but lack health, you'll never get any pleasure from your other accomplishments.

Now, the third ingredient of success is happy relationships with people you love and people who love and care about you. In fact, your ability to enter into and maintain long-term relationships is the essence of your personality. It demonstrates the way that you get along with others and the way that they get along with you.

Now, the fourth ingredient of success is financial freedom. Financial freedom means that you're making enough money so that you don't have to think about it continually, or, best of all, that you never think about it at all. Most people worry about money all the time, and that's a lousy way to live. Nearly 80% of the population is preoccupied with money problems.

They think about it when they wake up, and they think about it during the day. And they think about it when they go to sleep at night. And it occasionally keeps them awake at night. The only way for you to achieve financial freedom is for you to clearly define your financial goals and then make plans to achieve those goals.

The fifth ingredient of success is having worthy goals and ideals. You need to feel that your life stands for something and that you're making a valuable contribution to the world.

Self-awareness is the sixth ingredient in success. Now, self-awareness is a critical part of mental health. This is how you discover why you react and respond the way you do to people in situations around you. Successful people understand themselves and why they think and feel the way they do. And that's one of the things that you learn. When you can understand and accept yourself, you can begin moving forward in other areas of your life.

Personal fulfillment, or self-actualization as Abraham Maslow defined it, is the seventh ingredient of success. This is the feeling that you are becoming everything that you're capable of becoming and that you're realizing your full potential for happy living. When you have the courage to decide exactly what you want, you begin the process of unlocking your hidden powers to succeed.

Success is something you attract with the person you become. Success is not something you pursue, chase, or run after. Success is something you cultivate and become. You attract success.

So the key to unlocking all the treasures, whether they're economic treasures, spiritual treasures, financial, social, or personal treasures, is to consider every possible way in which what you become is far more valuable than what you get.

What you become is much more valuable than what you get. The major question to ask on the job is not, "What am I getting here?", "What am I becoming here?", “What am I getting?”, ”What am I becoming?”.

So what you become is very important, because what you become attracts.

If you become cynical, you attract cynicism.

So this whole subject of personal development was vitally important to me. It changed my life. It was unbelievable.

So let's talk a little bit about personal development.

You'll start doing different things with the same circumstances since we cannot change the circumstances, but we can change ourselves and what we do. Another secret to success Everything will change for you if you change.

You don't have to change what's outside. All you've got to change is what's inside. To have more, you simply have to become more. Don't wish for less problems; wish for more skills.

Start working on yourself, making these personal changes. And he promised that everything would change for you.

That extraordinary adventure I undertook starting at age 25 Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. Once I got that, it turned my life around. Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard at your job, you'll make a living. But if you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune and start this whole process of personal development. Work on yourself. Make yourself more valuable.

So I'm telling you, you can dynamically change your income. And economics is the least of the values that you can start earning in terms of equity if you'll start working harder on yourself than you do on your job, work hard on yourself, and develop the skill.

Work hard on yourself and develop the skills and qualities required to increase your market value.

I'm telling you, your whole life can explode into change. Everything you want from God It has to be written. It's a principle of success. It's a law. It's not a theory that Oprah came up with for 30 years while telling you about the Vision Board. Oprah didn't come up with this. Michelle Obama didn't come up with this; this is nothing Steve Harvey came up with.

If you don't have something in your life that you're trying to get or won't get written down, you've just cut your chances of getting it by 80%. Write the vision and make it plain so that everyone who reads it will run to it. And even though at Terry, Terry means take a while.

And even though it tarries, wait for it; surely it will come at an appointed time. That's a fact. It's not a theory; it's a fact.

  • I dare you to go home and write down everything you want on paper.
  • Read it every morning and every night. I dare you.
  • I want you to pull that paper off and check it in a year.
  • Put a check mark by everything you've accumulated on that list.

You'll be stunned. You will be absolutely stunned.

  • It doesn't matter if you don't believe in it.
  • It doesn't matter if you've ever heard of it.
  • It doesn't matter if you think it's hocus-pocus.

I dare you to try. This ain't Steve. It's in your Bible. It's in the same one you received. It ain't in the rich people's Bible. It's in yours. Man, if you do that one simple thing and you obey that one law he created, it changes your life forever.

How do you think British people get where they are? How do you think I got here? You think I'm smarter than you?

No, I'm not. I have no formal education.

What do you believe?

I've lost more times than all of you because I don't fail every class I've ever taken. I walk out into the dirt. I have lived in my car for three years. You haven't done that. You ain't been in jail. You haven't been locked up. You haven't been shot. You haven't been, so what else can I do? You probably aren't on your third marriage. You probably haven't lost everything you ever owned twice. Yeah, I'm just saying you probably could have, but you probably won't.

So how did I get here?

Because I learned the principles of success. I just started writing stuff down. That's how I got here. I'm not smarter than you. God doesn't love me more than he loves you. I'm the same child of God as you are. But what I got, though, was a lot of common sense.

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